
Old School vs New School: Why Newer Home Cleaning Methods May Not Be Better

In the past few years, there has been more and more talk of going green and using more natural ingredients in products. That includes home cleaning products yet, even if you buy one with a label that says it’s organic, can you ever really know if it’s better than the older methods? This thought gave me the idea to compare old methods of cleaning versus the newer ways. The three different products and appliances I’ve picked are:

Broom vs Vacuum

This round definitely goes to the vacuum cleaner. Remember that old broom that was bent to the side after being used so many times?  You may still have it tucked away somewhere just in case, but brooms are rarely used anymore. Especially in America where there are deals every day on affordable vacuums for your home so you can get some top vacuum for laminate floors for very good money. It makes you wonder, how did we clean our carpets before James Spangler, a janitor from Canton, Ohio invented the first vacuum cleaner in 1907?

Mop vs Swiffer Wet

This is one case where old school is better than new school. Point goes to the mop in this category. Sure, the Swiffer Wet is easier to use but it doesn’t do nearly as good a job as the standard mop and bucket filled with cleaning solution. I challenge anyone to tell me they clean better with a Swiffer Wet. When I clean homes, I wouldn’t consider using anything but my special cleaning solution and a sturdy mop to clean the tiles with.

Baking Soda and Vinegar vs Standard Household Cleaners

This is a draw for me because I see the benefits of both. Sometimes products like Comet and Tilex are more effective on stains than making your own solution of water, baking soda, and vinegar. The drawback is that both those products, and dozens like them, have ingredients that are toxic to your health. It’s part of the reason we’re told to keep the door open when we’re cleaning so as not to inhale the fumes and cause health problems. For instance, Tilex contains a chemical called 2- Butoxyethanol, a reproductive toxin known to cause birth defects in animals. Using your own mixture would require more scrubbing than the alternative. This is one of those comparisons that you have to decide what you want to deal with more. The possible toxins you’re releasing for faster results or the healthier solution that will take more cleaning work.

If you don’t have time to make your own mixture, try Seventh Generation products. They are available in most supermarkets and they are known for being all natural. If thinking of it is just too much for you right now, contact us for a free estimate at (813) 506-4156 or (727) 320-5930 and we’ll take the work off your hands for you.




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