
Office Building: What You Can Clean Before We Clean

While commercial cleaning companies are paid to clean office buildings from top to bottom, there are some areas they don’t touch unless requested. This leaves the job up to you and it’s important these items be cleaned at least once a week. Here are the top three things you should clean before the cleaning service comes.

  1. Phones

There are hundreds of bacteria on a commercial phone and, the more people use the phone, the higher the bacteria count rises. Cleaning companies don’t touch phones or any other electronics that can be damaged. It’s a good idea to keep a small container of anti-bacterial wipes at your office desk so the task is quick and easy to do. If in an office setting, have one at every desk so employees can wipe their phone down every day before leaving work.

  1. Computers

Computers carry more germs than people think and it’s the one electronic that rarely gets cleaned. They accumulate bacteria from many factors, such as putting your hands on the keyboard after using the bathroom (I won’t even begin to talk about the amount of germs on a bathroom door handle).  Twice a week, take a soft piece of cloth and wipe the screen. Then use one of those small containers of compressed air to get any debris in the keyboard. Finally, use an anti-bacterial wipe to sanitize the whole computer.

  1. Desks

According to Infection Control Expert, Dr. Charles Gerba, an office desk has 400 times more germs than a toilet seat. Pretty disgusting, huh? You can choose to let the cleaning company take care of them but many people don’t want their desk touched for privacy reasons. It’s up to the owner to decide whether he or she wants to put all their documents away so the cleaners can sanitize the area. The main culprit of germs on a desk is in the desk. Gerba noted that people often stash food and other items in their desk to snack on during the day. Unfortunately, mold thrives here which brings the germs running. Women tend to do this more than men in an office setting.

It is easy to forget how many germs float around an office or commercial building because we can’t see them. Make sure to clean these important items before we arrive or, if you want us to clean it, clear the area of any documents and debris. For more information on cleaning commercial buildings, contact Immaculate Janitorial Services today at (813) 506-4156 or (727) 320-5930.



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